Sunday, January 2, 2011

# 100!!!!!!! Churchland (7600)

I have made it to the half-way point in 100 clubs in 84 days, ahead of schedule, but with the holidays, I had planned to take some time off to work on other projects and spending time at home.

Due to inclement weather, my schedule was altered and Churchland became my 100 club visit.  I was especially pleased to have this club be number 100 as member Bill Pollard has been one of my biggest supporters, as Foundation Chair for 7600,  we have a mutual goal of raising awareness for the final push of the Polio Plus Challenge.

Now I spoke to this club last summer about my previous NID trip  to India, so many of the members remembered me and it was a very comfortable club.  What was special about this day was several members brought their children and/or grandchildren.  Bill's own daughter, played the piano for the club and was absolutely perfect.  At Churchland Rotary Club, A Night Before Christmas was recited to the enjoyment of all.   A couple of Christmas and Hanukah songs were shared with the help of two puppies jingling their collar bells at all the right times.
Then to our surprise Santa came in to greet the children.  Santa did have a slight wardrobe malfunction when his belt slipped down around his feet.
Meal $10

1 comment:

  1. Loved the Churchland and the Blackstone pictures and comments. Thanks for sharing. Jayne
