Tuesday, February 22, 2011

#150 Norfolk

President Ben and Mayor Fraim take questions

Lorna giving information for the upcoming Auction

A member adresses a question to the Mayor

I was over an hour early for this club, not knowing how traffic would be or the parking situation.  So I find a meter spot across from the venue (I did not know there was parking at the actual site).  While I am getting my things together, a man who was behind me, knocked on my window and told me he had paid my meter for the next 2 hours along with his own.  How nice was this, I saw him walk back to a restaurant, which he appeared to work at given the chef's attire.  Needless to say, when I left later, his meter was fully charged.

Executive Secretary, Page was the first to arrive and was expecting me.  Shortly thereafter Lorna arrived to set up the room, with time on my hands, I offered to help.  Well I am a little too short to hang the banners but I was happy to put the song books and the seating charts on the tables....Yes you heard right, we have assigned seats here.  With membership hovering around the 150 mark, it would be easy for members to sit with the same people each week.  So they rotate the seating every couple of months, allowing the  members to meet each other.
Before I get into the actual meeting I want to showcase the club's auction that will be held on March 26th.  The proceeds will benefits the club's literacy programs which are a hallmark of the club.

Date: Mar 26, 2011 6:00pm
Event Fee: $50.00 
Location: Norfolk Masonic Temple
7001 Granby Street
Norfolk, VA 23505

The lunch offered two salads, cheeseburger soup (really) and Chicken a la King. The soup was quite tasty. The agenda was full today, so I was very brief, and hope to go back to offer the full presentation in the summer.  Norfolk City Mayor, Paul Fraim was the featured speaker and while I am not up on the happenings in Norfolk, everyone was sympathetic to the apparent failings of a project that would have benefitted the community.

Meal $13

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