Sunday, February 27, 2011

#155 Falls Church

With Dennis Laymua

President Joe (Arlington Club), Dennis and President Joe (FallsChurch)
I have tried to schedule this club a couple of different times, as I wanted to be there when IPDG Horace and his wife and 2 time IPP Carlotta were in attendance, but their work has them traveling out west frequently.  So I choose today, as the featured speaker was speaking on schools in Tanzania which is supported in part by a matching grant and eco-safari trips to the same area.  Apparently word spread about this speaker as there were more visitors than club members. I will point out that there were two other events that club members were taking part in, one was a fund raiser at George Mason University, for the Rotaract club and the other, "Empty Bowls" for the food bank.  With that said, the club had seven members in attendance and nine visitors.  Meeting at the Harvest Moon restaurant, we had a family style meal consisting of a variety of asian  foods, all very good.  Of the seven members there, several were familiar with my quest, as well as the visitors who were from clubs that I have already presented to.  The Falls Church club sponsors the Rotary Times television program, which I taped in December, although I don't know when it aired since I don't have access to that channel in West Point.

The speaker, Dennis Lyamua talked about the need for education of children in East Africa and the program set up with the Asante Africa Foundation.  The program was set up after it's founder saw the need while on a safari trip.  I have seen schools in different parts of the world, and they all fulfill the need to educate the students to prevent the cycle of poverty.  The cost of educating the students varies greatly.
I won my 2nd 50/50 today, $13.

Meal: $11
50/50: $13

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