This was the kick off for the Health Kids program; a year long program to teach kids and their parents healthy living skills. The children and their parents participated in a 2hour event which ran 30 min sessions, each on something different. I started with the kids & parents in the gym, where they had to do four aerobic activities (jump roping, zumba, hula hoop and hop scotch) when the child completed all four, they would get a signature on a card. The library held a talk and visual presentation on healthy eating, who knew that food coloring was made from petroleum. In the hall a bike demonstration was under way and the local doctors office had a table, so many kids were around the table I couldn't see what they were discussing. Out side there was a walk around the track and the cafeteria had samples of healthy treats which the kids loved. At the end of the evening the kids took their cards which had to be signed for each area and turned them in for prizes. This is an ongoing program where the kids will get points for physical activity and other things through out the year. I for one am looking forward to following the progression of these kids.
I will also point out that I did participate in the zumba, my fellow club member Vernon was really into the hop scotch and I appreciate the Polio Plus Poster at the front entrance, President Cawley. I was behind the camera for all of these shots, but the mismatched sneakers were mine. I did not realize until half way through the evening that I had two different shoes:)
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