Northside Norfolk, could be one of the smallest club in numbers but they have the biggest buffet hands down! What a selection, but what was better than the food was the company of the club members. The conversation at our table was quite enjoyable, thank you for making me a part of your club for even a day. Joe Galecki thank you for the write up in your bulletin and the update on the 60 Minutes story of the Gates foundation.
This club has grown from 18 to 24 over the past year and a new member Nancy Joslin was inducted today, welcome back Nancy! Their club brochure is great and I can see why they are attracting new members with all the services they participate in.
Another interesting ride home, going through the Hampton Roads tunnel an aircraft carrier (#77) crossed over the tunnel. I find it exciting to know I was driving under an aircraft carrier.
Meal cost $11.
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